Although this is a personal blog, which suggests it is merely one persons opinion and therefore not that trustworthy, it uses newspaper articles to back up the point about the media sensationalising crimes.

Despite the fact that the boys had a long history of violent, anti-social behaviour, Chucky, with his violence, and remorselessness provided a suitable scapegoat. Those kids were time bombs. If they hadn't killed Jamie Bulger, they would've killed someone else, a little way down the track.
In the closing scenes, however, are six deadly similairties.
1. Part of the story takes place in the woodland where young army cadets are playing war games. Instead of real bullets, they use paint pellets colored red and blue. If you are hit with a pellet, you are "dead". Chucky is hit in the face with a pellet and marked with blue paint.
2. Chucky is lured by a boy who calls out to him and runs away to entice him to follow.
3. Chucky's face is terrible mutilated during an attempt to kill him. Some is sliced off with a scythe.
4. Chucky doesn't lie down despite his terrible injuries, so his attackers have to finish him off.
5. The final scenes of violence in Child's Play 3 take part in a fun fair which featues a railway track. Others are filmed in a cemetery.
6. The doll is destroyed by the spinning blades of a gigantic rotor which dismembers it.

1. Shortly before they killed Jamie, Thompson and Venables squirted him in the face with blue paint thye had stolen.
2. The boys lured Jamie to join them in the same way.
3. Jamie's face was mutilated by the boys who attacked him with a 10cm wide metal bar.
4. Jamie also refused to give up when confronted by the two older boys
5. The final stages of Jamie's life were played out on a railway track beside a cemetary.
6. Jamie's body was crushed and dismembered by a train running over it.
Police were also told that a Roald Dahl story, The Swan, available in Liverpool schools and libraries, foretold the death. In the story, two bullies abduct a younger child and drag him to a railway embankment where a train almost kills him and he is threatened with drowning. He eventually flies to safety.

Justice Morland, passing sentence on Wednesday ,said: "It is not for me to pass judgement on their upbringing, but I suspect exposure to violent video films may, in part, be an explanation"
British Sky Broadcasting cancelled a screeing of the film tonight. It has shown the film twice recently.Meanwhile, the Irish Republic's biggest video renting chain withdrew Child's Play 1, 2 and 3 from its shelves.
This shows the influence that newspapers can have on other media platforms, with Sky Broadcasting removing the film from its scheduling in order not to cause a controversy.
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