Loren Coleman is a theorist I have found who deals specifically in the area of copycat crime; he has written more than one book on the subject. The website http://www.copycateffect.com// provided me with some interesting case studies and thougts on crime as a result of media.
The Copycat EffectHow The Media and Popular Culture Trigger The Mayhem in Tomorrow's Headlinesby Loren ColemanParaview Pocket Books - Simon and Schuster, 2004, 308 pages
Wednesday, September 13, 2006 - Montreal, Quebec - Kimveer Gill, the 25-year-old shooter came to Dawson College, fully armed. He appeared to target what students call the "Jew Caf" and opened fire, killing Anastasia de Sousa, 18, and wounding 19 other students. Gill was obsessed by the Columbine massacre. He mentioned online being a fan of several computer games (e.g. Super Columbine Massacre) and movies (e.g. Natural Born Killers, Matrix) with violent themes that have been played out in several school shootings.
Type of source: Secondary popular
Benefits of source:
- Published 2004-2006 so quite up to date
- By a recognised author
- Again gives specific case studies
Limitations of source:
- Personal opinions - made and edited by one man
- Also fails to name the case studies
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