Thursday, February 14, 2008


I created a simple survey about the media effects debate, and I will try and get as many people to do it as possible.
The link is:
Any responses would be welcome :)

The purpose of this survey:
My aim was to use this survey as an introduction; something which allowed me to gather a feeling of the general consensus. There are 7 questions on the survey; the first two are statistical, asking age and gender. Then there are 4 other questions, which are in essence closed questions but allow the respondant to go into more detail if they wish. 1 question asks if there is awareness of the phrase 'copycat crime,' and if there is, how they would define it.

- The results are easy to understand, and on the whole can be put into graphs fairly easily
- There is a mix of genders and backgrounds
- As a general introduction, this survey worked fine, helping me to establish some initial hypotheses such as 'newspapers exaggerate the effect media can have on crime rates' and 'exposure to violent material causes people to become desensitised'

- As it was an internet survey, which I linked to on MySpace and my blog, the results I got were almost exclusively from people aged between 16 and 18, which is a clear limitation, although there were a few responses from people of other ages.
- The use of mainly closed questions meant the data was qualitative rather than quantative, which is not necessarily a limitation, but means the level of response was basic, and didn't give me, for example, any quotes that I could use. However, as I plan to conduct 1 on 1 interviews as well, this seems like a fairly minor limitation
- Although I did a pilot survey, a few people told me they still found the wording hard to understand. This could be due to me piloting the survey on people from Latymer, and on mainly other media students as well, who would have a greater understanding of the topic area to begin with.

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